Biobank Research Ethics Committee
The Biobank Research Ethics Committee (TCBio) is an independent committee and reviews if the biobank stores and uses the collected human biological material and data in a responsible way. Therefore, the rights and interests of the donors are protected.
All UPORT Biobanks use their own biobank protocols which allows researchers to grow organoids and perform experiments such as characterization, drug screening and genetic sequencing. Upon every research application, UPORT assess every project on complying with the protocol. If this is not the case, an additional release protocol may need to be written.
*Please contact us if you have any specific questions regarding your research project being covered by our biobank protocol
Specific for researchers of HUB Organoids: HUB Organoids has their own biobank protocol for organoid research. UPORT can also facilitate the logistics for research using this protocol.
*For substantive questions regarding the protocol, please contact HUB Organoids
The biobank protocol can be used for the collection of:
- Human biological material for unspecified research questions
- Human biological material obtained for unspecified research questions from subjects taking part in a WMO study
A release review is necessary when u want to use:
- Human biological material from biobanks or sub-biobanks
- Residual material (fresh or otherwise) from diagnostic procedures or treatment - refer also to instruction below
- Human biological material left over from WMO research
- Human biological material from collections not yet registered with the Central Biobank
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